Friday, October 31, 2003

Ridgeway Expected to Plead Guilty to 48 Murders

In an effort to spare himself from the death penalty, suspected "Green River Killer" Gary Ridgeway is expected to plead guilty to 48 murders next week.

Ridgeway will plead guilty to 42 murders on the "Green River" list as well as six that were not on the list...

The Green River killings involved mainly runaways, prostitutes, and drug addicts in the mid '80s and get their name fro the area where the early victims were found in Washington state...

Funny how a guy can admit to mercilessly killing fifty people and not have to die for it, while other people get the chair for one murder... in some cases, even wrongly convicted... society is strange, I say...

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

You know what's kind of annoying? People that don't seem to pay attention to the noises they make when they eat... I remember watching The Flamingo Kid way back (in the day) and when Matt Dillon moaned and breathed through his mouth while he ate, I thought it was incredibly funny... Now, I guess I find it just totally revolting... but anyway, is there a tactful way to tell someone that they kind of gross you out when they eat? hmmm...

Sunday, October 26, 2003


Okay, you wanna know what sucks? How about this:
On Thursday, it was 84 degrees... On Friday, it snowed...
What the fuck?

By the way, the new South Park this week was gold... Pure gay gold...

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Dear God, Someone PLEASE Make it STOP...

It was cool to see ABC drop "The Real Roseanne Show" after only one episode... It actually gave me hope that maybe, possibly people were getting a bit fed up with the reality show craze that "Survivor" started several years back... but no... After saying that they would only do two seasons, "The Osbournes" is getting ready for its fourth season... "Newlyweds" Jessica Dingbat and Nick LeGay have renewed for a second season (apparently so people could see just how incredibly air-headed Jessica Simpson is)... There are other shows like "Orange County Choppers," where guys build motorcycles for people that you will never be able to afford at any time in your life... Then you have lame shows like "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," "The Real World," "Elimidate," "The Fifth Wheel," "Blind Date," "The Bachelor," "Big Brother" (what are they up to, now? 4? 5?), and stuff like that, which serve absolutely no purpose, whatsoever... And now, the latest in the "we're celebrities with lives so much 'better' than yours" department, meet "The Arquettes. Yep, Courntey and David have decided that they want to cash in on all this crap, too...
I just don't understand the craze that is "reality TV." I always thought that "reality TV" was the evening news, but apparently, that's not even close, anymore... Anyhow, someone please make it stop before I throw my TV out the window... I don't want to do that, y'know? I like to watch TV... but the flow of crap that is inundating my TV is starting to really piss me off... I wonder how long until we have "forced reality show content" on the Internet?
I'm on a Roll

More stuff from the Guardian... An interesting little piece about how good ol' Jack Valenti's banning of "screeners" is nothing more than a scam to keep independent filmmakers from getting what they deserve...


In an effort to actually beat my brother to a cool article for once:

What? Racist Cops? No Way

I thought stuff like THIS only went on, like, where I'm from...


Sunday, October 19, 2003

Upon further review, I am finding streets named after colleges (not just Ivy League ones, either) all over the place, here... Right around the corner are Purdue, Standford, Villanova, and Columbia streets... wild, wacky stuff... My guess is that the founders of this city were just extremely unoriginal, or something...
I went and saw School of Rock, tonight. I thought it was really good. It was kinda funny to see Jack Black doing something that's not all filth flarn filth, but that was fine with me... I still laughed... quite a bit... The kids were funny... Jack was typically really funny. When I saw Sarah Silverman's name in the credits, I thought that it was cool, because she's a really funny comedienne... but in this movie, she was just really, really mean... but that was okay, I guess... because Jack was funny...

Thursday, October 16, 2003

I've Been Trying to Tell People This All Along

"...dont watch Fox News. The more you watch, the more you'll get things wrong..."

I guess the moral of this article is listen to NPR...
"Big Mac" Could be World's Second-Most Powerful Computer

It seems some fellas from Virginia Tech strung together 1,100 Power Mac G5s and made them into a supercomputer... not just any supercomputer... possibly the world's second-most powerful computer on the planet...

The cost? A mere $5.2 million... Alot, you say? Well, most of the top ten supercomputers cost $40 million and up... and the world's most powerful computer (Japan's "Earth Simulator") costs a whopping $350 million... So, at a mere 1.4% of the cost of the world's most powerful, you could own what could be the world's second-most powerful... not bad...

Read the full article HERE

I was noticing today that there are a lot of streets here named aftet tribes of Indians... There's Pawnee, Osage, Navajo, Mohawk, and Sioux, to name a few, all in this one little part of town... The funny thing about it is that they all seem to intersect with streets named after Ivy League universities... Harvard, Dartmouth, Brown, Yale, and Cornell... I just kinda scratched my head over that all day...

Sunday, October 12, 2003

See Desi...

See Desi engaging in his favorite activity...

Desi is a cool kitty... I like him... He likes me, too... sometimes.

Friday, October 10, 2003

My Cool Phone

I have another cell phone (well, not to mention the two that are still in a box somewhere, yet to be unpacked), but it's a real teeny fold-up thing... It makes me think of that skit from Saturday Night Live when Will Ferrell pulls out that phone that's about the size of your pinky nail... Besides, this one's chrome.

Yeah, that's right... ice cold chrome... well, for now, anyway... I bought some sweet faceplates for it on Ebay for a buck a piece (same exact ones in the mall here are twenty bucks)... They'll be here Monday... and then I can change my phone to suit my mood... how ridiculous is that?

Why am I even showing it to you? One word, my friends... boredom... and besides, when I get my new housings, I can show them to you, too... and you will go, "wow, cooooool," like the good friends you are...

Monday, October 06, 2003

I was at the grocery, today... My brother and I used to make fun of this product when we were very young... back in the late '70s... I was totally unaware that they were still around...

Now THAT is Some Gooooooood Bread!

Hey! I know her!

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Meet "Brother Mel":

He runs "Brother Mel's Southern Style BBQ..."
located at 151 South College Ave. in Old Town...
It is some of the best food you will ever eat in your life...

p.s. - don't tell my mom I said that...

Friday, October 03, 2003


Okay... Rush Limbaugh made a racially-motivated statement... not surprised... because he's, in fact, a racist... and a jackass...

Democratic Presidential candidate Rev. Al Sharpton called for a boycott of ESPN's parent company, ABC, if Limbaugh was not fired... Sharpton... also a racist... and also a jackass...

Limbaugh resigned from ESPN... Problem solved, Rev. Sharpton... you can go and talk more about the white devil, now.

Now, Mr. Limbaugh is apparently being investigated for purchasing several thousand Schedule II narcotics (i.e. Percocet, OxyContin, etc.) without a prescription... Limbaugh says he was "...unaware of any investigation by any authorities..." Okay... I'll buy that... But how many people that have ever been "under investigation" knew that they were under investigation at the time? John Gotti, maybe? I mean, that's kind of the whole point to an "investigation," to not let the person know you are doing it, so that you might be able to catch them doing something wrong... maybe?

Anyhow... Mr. Limbaugh, you always have been, and you always will be a complete jackass... you continue to prove it to people on a daily basis...

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Les Enfants Dans Le Corridor

Every other Tuesday late night is a good night to actually not listen to music and to watch TV, instead. Comedy Central shows four Kids in the Hall episodes... They used to be on every day about a year ago... then they started this "late night every other Tuesday" thing... It kinda irked me for a while, but I guess having it every couple weeks is better than not having it at all...
Jigga What???

Wait a minute... What city did I move to? I am a little confused... I swear I moved to Fort Collins, not Fart Collins... apparently, I was confused...