Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Dear God, Someone PLEASE Make it STOP...

It was cool to see ABC drop "The Real Roseanne Show" after only one episode... It actually gave me hope that maybe, possibly people were getting a bit fed up with the reality show craze that "Survivor" started several years back... but no... After saying that they would only do two seasons, "The Osbournes" is getting ready for its fourth season... "Newlyweds" Jessica Dingbat and Nick LeGay have renewed for a second season (apparently so people could see just how incredibly air-headed Jessica Simpson is)... There are other shows like "Orange County Choppers," where guys build motorcycles for people that you will never be able to afford at any time in your life... Then you have lame shows like "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," "The Real World," "Elimidate," "The Fifth Wheel," "Blind Date," "The Bachelor," "Big Brother" (what are they up to, now? 4? 5?), and stuff like that, which serve absolutely no purpose, whatsoever... And now, the latest in the "we're celebrities with lives so much 'better' than yours" department, meet "The Arquettes. Yep, Courntey and David have decided that they want to cash in on all this crap, too...
I just don't understand the craze that is "reality TV." I always thought that "reality TV" was the evening news, but apparently, that's not even close, anymore... Anyhow, someone please make it stop before I throw my TV out the window... I don't want to do that, y'know? I like to watch TV... but the flow of crap that is inundating my TV is starting to really piss me off... I wonder how long until we have "forced reality show content" on the Internet?

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