Friday, October 10, 2003

My Cool Phone

I have another cell phone (well, not to mention the two that are still in a box somewhere, yet to be unpacked), but it's a real teeny fold-up thing... It makes me think of that skit from Saturday Night Live when Will Ferrell pulls out that phone that's about the size of your pinky nail... Besides, this one's chrome.

Yeah, that's right... ice cold chrome... well, for now, anyway... I bought some sweet faceplates for it on Ebay for a buck a piece (same exact ones in the mall here are twenty bucks)... They'll be here Monday... and then I can change my phone to suit my mood... how ridiculous is that?

Why am I even showing it to you? One word, my friends... boredom... and besides, when I get my new housings, I can show them to you, too... and you will go, "wow, cooooool," like the good friends you are...

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