Saturday, February 15, 2003, cont'd.

So, there is now a "disclaimer" on the site... I won't say what it says (it used to say much more, but has recently been severely abridged), because I'll leave it up to you to read it for yourself, if you like... When I first spoke about this page back in late October, I was convinced from the start it was a pile of crap... go figure I would be right...

Now, as to the nationality of the "author." I said in my first post that he seemed to be not American. Just something in the original page's wording that just wasn't sitting right (well, besides the whole "8 March" thing - Americans would say "March 8"). The later postings have gotten a little better at sounding "Americanized," I guess you'd say. After re-reading the original posting and the subsequent ones, I've decided that the person is most likely not British, but Australian. Just something in how it's all being said. Brits have their way of doing things, and so do Aussies... eh, just call it a hunch? Although Australians tend to call sweaters/sweatshirts "jumpers," the author calls them "pullovers" - better, but still not a very "American" term. I've also really never heard another American refer to a Native American Indian as an "Amerindian" (obviously trying to differentiate between Native Americans and the Indians of Asia). And the other word that jumped out at me was the term "trekking" as opposed to "hiking." Again... Sounds a bit more like something an Aussie would say ("trekking in the outback"), rather than an American ("hiking up a fucking hill")... Like I said, just call it a hunch...

What really astounded me was all the email the guy has posted on his page. I mean, we're talking HUGE pages full of stuff. First of all, some of it is pretty obviously the same guy... (I also sent him an email regarding the fact that in one of his postings he mentions that his wife was killed in a car wreck and "they had no children..." Then in another post, he mentions a few times about the auto accident that killed his "wife and daughter." That email has, for some reason, not made it into the huge list of emails posted, yet. lol - I figured he would have at least fixed one or the other...) What really has kinda cracked me up is that a lot of these mails seem to (still) think it's all real, and offer the guy places to hide from the "black vans" and stuff... And then, there's a lot of emails with a lot of references to the movie "The Core" which is due to be released very soon... He states that it doesn't have anything to do with the movie... so for once I will tend to believe him, because why post all the mails about the movie only to have them be the "right guess?" My call (so far) is a book, maybe... Maybe fiction, maybe "non-fiction." Perhaps it's a new super-special edition of that movie from M. Nyght Shamalamadingdong... Then there's always my orignal hypothesis that it's some new cologne from Abercrombie & Fitch... Who knows, really...

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