Saturday, February 22, 2003


I'm growing ever more tired of my friends interrupting me when I'm in the middle of talking about something I want to talk about sometimes for the sake of basically just not letting me talk about one thing I want to talk about, ever... and if I do chime in with what I think about whatever, more times than not I'm told, "No, [it's like this]..." as if my opinion is somehow incorrect... Maybe I'm mistaken, or maybe people don't realize they step on my toes way too much when we all talk... I always let them dictate the paths of conversations, and they (never fail) always end up sitting around talking about the same things - either politics (one of the two friends is right-of-center, the other is left-of-center, which makes for some legit entertainment, at times) or Ultima Online... after a conversation about the bugs in the recent addition to the UO world (I try to stay interested in it all, but I played the game for a few months (and would probably still be playing it out of loyalty to my friends if it wasn't for the fact that the computer I currently use can't handle the load) and basically found it WAY too time intensive for WAY too little of a return - I need more plot in my adventures other than mining my ass off for hours at a time to smelt it into ingots to smith shitty items to melt down to go mine some more to smelt some more to make more shitty items to melt down some more etc. for countless days (and that's just one skill of your characters 7 possible "grand mastered" skills), so I kind of tire of hearing about it incessantly after a while), it had to get around to politics (because it always does)...

[note: I'm not using "blah blah blah" to be a dick, but because I can't really remember what was actually being said - I was trying to enjoy my steak]
Pa: "...[blah blah blah, Bush's and Cheney's families both got rich on oil (yeah, okay, not really earth-shattering news)]..."
Fi: "...[blah blah blah, five year plan... blah blah blah, hydrogen cars...blah blah blah, something about] JFK..."
(a ha! an opening!)
Me: "Oh, my god. That reminds me. Have either of you seen 'Clone High,' yet?"
Fi: "No."
Pa: "No."
Me: "It's the first thing I've seen on Mtv in years that I can actually stand to watch."
Fi: "What is it?"
Me: "Well, it's a high school that has clones of, like, Joan d'Arc, Ghandi, Abe Lincoln, JFK, Cleopatra, and all these historical figures... it is absolutely hilarious... all kinds of famous people doing voices, too... Nicole Sullivan, Andy Dick-"
Fi: "What, it's a cartoon?"
Me: "Yeah."
Pa: [some form of sigh-type thing]
Fi: "I'll never watch it..."
Me: "Well, you're missing it... It's fucking hilarious... There was this one on the other day - JFK was in the media room getting it on with Catherine the Gr-"
Pa: "After we clean up Iraq, we need to continue right on into Iran, then Turkey, then [blah blah blah, let's make sure the entire world hates us before we annihilate it]..."
[I hereby give up on ever being able to get a word in edgewise when the two of them are in the same room together]

I think my friends are too commited to trying to be intellectual all the time and trying to solve other people's (like, say, G-Dub's) messes (which no one on the planet will ever do) to lower themselves to laugh at a silly cartoon. It's okay to laugh at Dave Attell (who is really funny) talk about getting a handjob from one of the Dixie Chicks, but a cartoon? Don't be so absurd.*sigh*

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