Wednesday, June 15, 2011

She was a queen
Lost within a dream
Misconceived that he was fit to reign
Lies take victims
Separate them at the seams
Cause them to fall apart
Then move along to better things, now

She wants to fall in love, again
He's satisfied to own her

No time permits to open up
When you've been hiding thoughts so strong
She's been holding out for an angel to come along
No reply from the sky
But she just keeps looking up
She just keeps looking up, now

She'll never know love's true potential
Lost in the open wind
To his impatience
Never feeling they would fall apart
She let her feelings grow
To tears she'll never show, now

She wants to fall in love, again
Don't you know that
he's satisfied to own her.
Some days are worse than others
Some days I cannot feel a thing
Someday I might just prove you wrong
Something just might go my way...
So... before he left for overseas, my friend thought enough of my birthday to send me a fucking LES PAUL... I just about fell over on the spot. It was like, "What the fuck are these two huge boxes?" (case, too) - well, like I said, it was an amazing gift from an amazing cat.

Throw in the new Tascam 2488neo I got myself (I usually really don't get shit for my birthday, so I always get myself something and this year, I plunked down a nice chunk on a nice piece of gear)... and I have great big bowls of awesomeness.

I've been doing so much writing the last few months. A lot of it turns to shit... but it's still something... I still miss the muse... but I've turned the loss and anger and confusion and sadness and all that into tangible things that I can at least wrap my head around at times. It's better to get that all out, however I have to do it. Bottling it up felt like it just about killed me... but I still miss. It was pretty awesome in its chaos.
When will this all be over?
How come this never ends?
This room keeps closing in on me
Not much outside that I care to see
This pain could all be over
if I just blinked an eye
Keep holding on to some star that stops me from
washing the world away

Why can't I get through today?
Feelin' blind with only me to blame
Still I find I try to hide
Maybe in time I'll find my way

I find that no one understands me
I feel so all alone
Does anyone feel the way I do?
This pain could all be over
if I just blinked an eye
Keep holding on to some star that stops me from
washing the world away.