Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I can remember how, when I was younger, I was so politics-crazy; I was so "into" it, all... I got a little older and saw how everything was going and began to doubt different things... and I sit here, now, and... I'm not "jaded" by any means... the correct term is "sickened." None of it makes any sense, anymore. It's such a clusterfuck to try to get anything done that will benefit "we, the people..." but I guess I figured it out a little while back - it has nothing to do with "we, the people," anymore. Yeah, "tea party" douchetastics will go to almost any means to try to force a truly-twisted vision down the throats of the people... and the left is no better, by any means. I have been, and always will be, a registered independent, because I will vote for the people I believe will do the best job, no matter their political alliance. Let's face it, politicians are just puppets used to push someone else's agendas (and rarely ever their own or even one that they would agree with, personally). When it comes down to it, South Park put it quite succinctly - it's always gonna be a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. I still believe, though, that if you don't vote, then you relinquish your right to complain when things don't go the way you want it. I would sit with a group of friends and they would talk about how bad this or that was in the city/country/etc., and my first statement would usually always be, "Did you vote? You didn't? Well, then shut it." I still feel that way, but I'm a whole lot less likely to say anything, anymore... 'cause hey, it's all fucked up... it's always been fucked up... it's always going to be fucked up... it's nothing new... and getting older by the minute.