Saturday, January 08, 2011

A couple days off... was good for the soul. No, I really didn't do much of anything... worked on some more cues for the movie that never ends... okay, I'm being a little harsh... they've done reshoots, recasting and such, but that hasn't really affected my duties. I'm just writing some music... but considering how long they've been working on the project... well, it's kinda good for me, because I'm not really under any pressure, time-wise... which is good, because I don't have tons of time to work on it. It'll get done, though. They've liked what I've done, thus far, and have given me pretty much free reign to do as I will... I've only had to completely redo a couple of cues because, after watching the scenes they were for, they just didn't "flow" right. An easy enough fix... just write new shit, y'know? It's not like I'm writing complex, intricate opuses... thirty seconds here, a minute there... I will be doing a couple "themes," though... which are based off of a couple of the cues... to tie it all together. They're not paying me much of anything, so I don't feel that kind of pressure, either... I guess they only have a few more weekends of "principal photography" to do and then some incidental stuff. It will be nice to kind of get it over with, though... not because I don't like what I'm doing - I like it very much, but as silly as it may sound, working with these guys has been a bit tricky because they haven't really put me on any type of schedule... which, while it makes it easy for me to work on it when I feel like it, I'd kind of rather be on a little more of a leash on it... it would force me to pay attention and work hard on it in longer stretches. It kinda sounds a little contradictory to the "I'm glad I don't have to work on it all the time" statement, earlier, but I work better under pressure - when I have to force myself to get things done the best I can... but... whatever. It'll get done, and it'll be over with and I can move on to other things.

The other musical collaborations I'm doing are much more what I'm into, at the moment. It's one of those things I wish wouldn't come to an end because it's really fun project and I'm working with a guy that's really awesome in his own right and it has the likelihood of being heard by a lot more people. And I'm playing a little guitar on it, too, which I wasn't planning on doing at first... but I was encouraged to contribute something that way and by crackie, I'm not gonna turn down that kind of an offer... We'll see how it shapes up in February.