Monday, November 08, 2010

Yesterday was pretty freakin' awesome... a lot of fun... good people... good free food (although, my stomach seems to feel as if it could rebel at any moment)... good show... was disappointed with Ten Years... I'm not really a huge fan of theirs, but still... I expected a better show out of them. The other bands were decent, but I'd never heard of them, so I'm guessing maybe they were local-ish... anyhow... good times.

HDMS officially begins today in Atlanta... and I'm really looking forward to that, a lot. I hope it all goes good for all involved. He's been through a lot and he's come out on the other side a much better man... and now comes another chance to tell the story.

I would have liked to have offered someone to go along with me. It would have been neat... but again, like before, I understand priorities... and I understand that my wants and wishes don't play a role in that, at all... still, woulda been fun. I mean, who doesn't want to go see a free show and rub elbows with freakin' "rockstars?" lol But... yeah, I didn't even offer, because I know that something like that on a Sunday night is rough when you have to deal with a Monday morning... but as I've stated before, should she desire to have time to hang out, I'd do what I could to make it happen.