Saturday, November 27, 2010

In the effort to be a bit more avoidant of the upcoming decisions that are to be made, I've opened myself up to... even more decisions... well, the decision to leave town or not is something that doesn't really come into play for a couple more weeks... so that's easy enough to put on the back burner for sanity's sake... but when I decided on the house I wanted, another house came up... a really nice little house... not that the house I want isn't nice - it so is - but this is the house of a friend... that's laid out very cool... and that I can get for cheap, compared to what he would be asking "on the market." It's in another great neighborhood... I know a lot of the neighbors, already... finished attic, finished basement... attic makes for good office space and the basement makes a good studio space (I'm really growing weary of having nine guitars and five (soon to be six) computers in my front room)... really nice floors... jacuzzi ("When I was little an' we wanted jacuzzi we had ta fart in da tub!"). It's not my old neighborhood, but it's just across the woods in one of the other neighborhoods I used to haunt, growing up... It just throws another "then" into the whole "if/then" thing I'm facing. I already think I know where I'm heading on the big decision I have to make in a few weeks... as nice as it could be, it's a little late in the game to uproot all over, again, and while he's a great guy and a great guy to work with and for, I think we can still do what we're doing in the timeline of our choosing and not get obstructed by a different kind of work relationship... and it would probably totally kill the chance to make something right, and as fleeting as it may be, it's still something important... but then again, I could wake up and just say fuck it and leave... wouldn't be the worst thing. No... the worst things are the things unsaid, the things undone, the "what-ifs" and all that's left behind... so no, it wouldn't be the worst thing.