Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's just one of those things, y'know? No matter what they'll try to tell themselves to attempt to make it go away... he's always gonna be there... forever... and one of these days... sooner than they believe possible... they'll look up and say, "What if...?" And the answer will be, "You'll see..." and they'll try to keep fighting what they know... but it won't matter... it's not under their control, no matter what they think they can do about it.

He was there... He saw it with his own two eyes. He knows what remains... no matter what they'll try to tell themselves.

They thought they felt good then? Just wait... they have no idea the levels of real happiness they're capable of... only if they just believe the truth and trust in what really matters.

And it will be worth it... so much so... for both of them.