Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Some people are, to use someone else's words, complete fuckasses.

I'm about this close |<->|...

I'm sick of hearing the stories... the endless stories of the absolutely retarded escapades of a child... There's a reason I chose to remove myself from all the bullshit that is my work... I guess it was done first as a means to rid myself of some unwanted crap regarding someone very special to me... and it sort of evolved into ridding myself of ALL the unwanted crap. I show up, I talk to my friends, I don't talk to the "non-friends," I take my breaks alone, I eat alone, I leave. I don't pay attention to all the stupid gossip about all the idiots that work, there... but it's hard to "turn off" when a grown man openly admits to sleeping with thirteen year-olds... the same guy that used to make fun of Douchey for chasing fourteen year-old (looking) girls all over the place... then less-than-scrupulously obtaining phone numbers of co-workers' girlfriends and hooking up with them (which, if the girls go along with it, they are as much to blame, honestly... hobags)... and it's not like the guy is even good-looking, intelligent, or otherwise. A while back, a girl that worked there was showing me the texts he had been sending her, trying to get her in the sack and it was like the most contrived, over-the-top schmoozing you could imagine... it was... just... blecch... god, what a tool... and to think that while I was rehabbing my back, he was pulling the same shit on... well... just... no, let's not. Douchey was one thing... and he got what he deserved... Junkie has been on the short list for a while, now... and it's (obviously) quite easy to make it appear totally innocuous... I think my desire for separation from the environment that goes on there has kept me preoccupied (and all the better for it)... but... I dunno.