Friday, May 28, 2010

So a little while back, I called in a big-assed favor and kept someone out of some rather serious trouble... jail... the works. Their goofy partner-in-crime got a whole lot less than what they deserved because they talked like there was no tomorrow, including implicating the aforementioned someone in their dealings... I'm talking they were looking at serious time in prison and instead, as a result of singing like the songbird, got probation and has to go to this rehab thing that is basically a joke for people like them, because it really doesn't have a good system in place to keep track of things, properly, and they really don't want to get clean in the first place... they're just going to go through the motions and be right back at it once they are out. They weren't even supposed to be allowed to qualify for this program because they tested dirty (twice) while waiting to be tried, and also got arrested for the same crime (again) while out on bond, failed to appear (which, when you do that on your own recognizance, is a felony, itself)... blah blah blah, they snitched a bunch of people out and are being rewarded for being an idiot.

But anyhow, yeah, for whatever reason, I did what I thought was the right thing. I used myself to keep someone out of trouble. I can't speak for their siblings, because all that is out of pretty much anyone around here's control, at this juncture... and when that all happens, there won't be much I'll be able to do but know it was coming. It will drive a spike or three into an already rather multi-fractured family structure... but that's not really my concern. I took care of one person... because, for whatever reasons, I don't think they need to have their life flipped on its ear like that. As messed up as the things they did were, the rest of their life doesn't need to be spent paying for it in ways that would just be... well, beyond simply tragic. The one that's in the system, now... having to deal with the pretty poor excuse of a rehab and all that... they're going to have their own bed to make... two of the people they snitched on have since been arrested and charged with some rather serious crime. I mean, the word is out... people want them dead... and they will likely "disappear" like so many others like them, around here... and I guess that will be sad. I mean, I don't have any respect for them, or anything like that, but at one point I'm pretty sure they were a decent person... and all the things that happened that turned them into what they are now are not necessarily of their own making... it's a slippery slope... and particularly hard to make any headway into it. But... their fate is kind of already sealed... by their own foolhardy, greedy actions.

But yeah... I did something that most people wouldn't do for anyone... and I didn't do it to get something back from them... it's not like I'm thinking they're gonna pop up and say "thanks" or anything... I doubt it... pride goeth before the fall and all that good stuff... I did it because I couldn't sit back and know it was happening and do nothing. I care about them deeply... and caring like that will make you put your own well-being on the back burner, sometimes... and you'll put yourself on the line for them... and if you died tomorrow, you'll know that it was worth it.