Friday, April 09, 2010

Wednesday, I sat and watched my boss berate a coworker... and I jumped in and fought for him... knowing it was a losing battle, pretty much, I still jumped in and drew some of the heat away from them... I think after the two rather huge go-'rounds I had with him after Christmas (one of which nearly got him punched square in his sarcastic teeth), he knew that I wasn't going to stand around and take his shit, anymore... or watch him give other people shit and act like he's all high and mighty and can fire people and all that nonsense. The coworker was grateful, the boss was not so much, but it didn't matter to me. I'm just sick of watching him bully and threaten everyone around there like he's anything other than what he is - he's a department head... and nothing more.

I'm sure it won't stop him from going after the next person he sees doing something he doesn't like... but it stopped him from going after a good kid, last night... and that's all I wanted. If he wants to hate his life, fine... but he's not going to get away with taking it out on other people.