Saturday, March 06, 2010

Okay... I guess I need to clear something up.

There are several comments in a recent post regarding the situation between me and a certain someone. The first one I let slide, but it kind of kept going so I should probably address it, here.

I was not trying to talk shit about her. I know it came across rather harsh, but I do not wish her ill will. I was putting feeling into words... cleansing some pretty deep wounds. I was trying to say that she had a chance to have something very exciting and real instead of what she has and she fucked up because she doesn't understand and won't accept some things. I fucked up, too... it happens.

To "hah" and "cheese" (and you, too, "Marjorine!"), talking shit about her and/or her family is totally unnecessary, okay? And DO NOT, for any reason, whatsoever, remotely dare "tell her she 'ain't shit' to her face," or otherwise. I will be most unhappy about this, I promise. I might not be her biggest fan at the moment, but it doesn't change any of the time we spent together being outrageously, crazy, "you should be so lucky, go ahead and be jealous" happy. Just let it go, do not worry about it, please. If you wanna comment about things you read here, great... but try not to be quite so acrimonious in your "views" of something you really don't know about. There is only (on my end) one other person in the entire world besides me and her that really "knows" what went on, and he's not happy about it, but he's also considerate enough not to offend me over it, too... which is probably why he knows in the first place and why he is one of my greatest friends. I don't need people slinging a bunch of incredibly not nice words at her... here, or anywhere. I'm not using those kinds of words... and if anybody could, it would be me, not you... and I'm not... so... don't, okay? I appreciate the support, but that's not how I want it. Thanks.