Monday, March 15, 2010

Most of that old crap is gone, now...

I think it was the right thing to do... I don't need to remind myself of that lameness, anymore. It may have taken a while to figure it all out... but I figured it all out. Jim tried to tell me a long time ago... it just didn't make sense, then. Now, it makes perfect sense. I should have done what he said, when he said it... it would have made the last year a lot better... but it may have led me down a different path and I wouldn't be where I am.

I remember talking before about how I think it's a worse thing to not care about someone than to hate them (because hate requires care, in the first place)... it's too bad it had to turn out that way, but that's how it goes.

I'm happy, again... for the right reasons. I won't look back and wonder, anymore... I don't have to.