Tuesday, March 09, 2010

I'll just hope that you're doing well.
It's not that I don't care... I just spent so long caring so much about someone that didn't care.
I'll be sad that it had to be this way, but I won't be angry. I won't want you anymore, because I know, now, that you never wanted me. You came to regret knowing me, and that hurt a lot, because I never did anything other than give a damn. Soon enough, I guess I will forget ever thinking your name, too. The day that happens, and it's coming, will be a sad day for the both of us. All that great energy we created, together... wasted. I will stop wondering, and you will fade away, once so unique, into a pile of rubble like so many others that I will burn with a cleansing torch and you will become nothing but ash. Where once there was a bright future, there will be a wall, built of the shattered remains of what was once hope and happiness. It was a match made from a most perfect alignment of souls. It could have been everything... and I'm sorry you felt it right to make it into nothing...
but I won't be angry. I'll just hope you're doing well...