Thursday, March 18, 2010

God, the last couple days have been horrible... another close friend passes away (a raging cokehead, but a very good friend, nonetheless... one of the only cokeheads I managed to not develop an aversion to)... just a massively horrible, heartbreaking situation he went through... and lost. I always kind of respected him for how humble he was towards his good friends... but... I dunno... having to do an entire eight ball while being driven to the hospital, because you're afraid you're not going to leave... I dunno... and no, he didn't leave... alive, anyway. Work has been horrid, too... I can only imagine if Uncle Big Bad had been in a foul mood... if I hadn't been so insanely busy, I would have been bored to tears... in fact, I kinda was.

If she wasn't so capable and willing to keep me grounded, I'd have probably splattered my brains all over this place, by now... I just absolutely loathe losing respect for people I've respected so much... and I hate having to beat my head off of walls constantly because of clueless dumbasses at work. At least I have a really good friend to knock some sense into me from time to time... I sure need it.