Thursday, October 15, 2009


So the drug dealer/pimp that got evicted downstairs got popped (his old lady got hooked up, too)... finally. Seems he had been "hiding out" with some other fine, upstanding local citizens, who joined him in his arrest... made a bad move, got desperate, and sold to the wrong people... like the typical low-class, amoral dumbass. The buyer got popped and sung their little heart out, opening up a big can of worms that's gonna end up with several more wankers before it's all over. I read the police report and it was sadly humorous how stupid these people were.

That was the "good news," I guess.

The bad news... the crusty nineteen year-old hooker tramp that he was telling people was his "daughter," arrested twice since the eviction. They got some blood from her - hepatitis (imagine that), of the "luggage" (C) variety... and apparently the little baby of hers has it, too... and is showing signs of liver failure... already. So unless the baby was sharing mom's toothbrush (oh yeah, it happens that way more than you'd think) or was stupid enough to leave a needle out for baby girl to play with while momma ho got the nods... she was born with it... which means momma ho probably didn't know she had it, either. I mean, a vast percentage of people with it don't know they have it for a long time... and in the meantime, they do things like bring kids into the world that are born with it and pretty much screw them (not to mention themselves) out of a chance at a decent life.

It makes me angry (on a few levels)... and it makes me sad (on a few other levels)... a little small-town microcosm of the real world kicking you in the gut.