Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Lost again, broken and weary,
unable to find my way
Tail in hand, dizzy and clearly
unable to just let this go

I am surrendering to gravity and the unknown
Catch me, heal me,
Lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live...

I fell again, like a baby,
unable to stand on my own
Tail in hand, dizzy and clearly
unable to just let this go

I am surrendering to gravity and the unknown
Catch me, heal me
Lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live...

Help me survive the bottom

Calm these hands before they
Snare another pill and
Drive another nail down
Another needy hole
Please, release me...

I am surrendering to gravity and the unknown
Catch me heal me
Lift me back up to the sun...

I choose to live...