Thursday, July 30, 2009

Well, add another douche to the list of "people that seemed cool but are actually assholes." ... I just don't understand it. Do these people think what they say won't dig into me? Well, this person is just too... lamebrained to probably even realize they were saying anything "wrong" in the first place... but referring to a "fake smile" and "general phoniness..." I mean, is that really the best stuff to talk about at work? Where everyone has passed everything around to the point where it's so twisted and convoluted in the first place... and so then they feel entitled to add their two lame cents. UGH GOD I am starting to hate those fucks (and I tend to generally not hate people... I just "don't care," which to me, is far worse)... can't they just wait for me to not be in the general vicinity before spewing that crap? If she's "fake," then what the fuck are they when they act like they're her friend when they see her?

I thought about staying on days for just this reason... but it even sorta followed me there, too. least I don't have to see them for a couple weeks, anyway.

Fuck. I hate being pissed about this... but I fucking can't help it.