Monday, July 20, 2009

Former NFL quarterback/animal murderer Michael Vick was "officially released from federal custody," today.


Who gives a flying fuck? Yes, I love football... but I hope someone exacts some good ol' fashioned street justice on that punk because he didn't pay for his crime nearly enough... the last thing he should be allowed to do is re-enter a professional sport and make millions of dollars, again. He had his chance, he fucked up in a big way... he has done nothing worthy of a second chance (or, if you look at his life, an eighth or ninth chance) - I don't care how many PSAs he does for the ASPCA, I don't care how many shelters he opens, I don't care what he does to try to make himself look better... he's a product of the ridiculously ignorant "hip-hop" lifestyle that taught him that, among many other things, dogfighting and violently drowning creatures that don't make the grade is "okay..." even cool. It's not like he was some "good guy that caught up in something bad with the wrong people" - he's been involved in shady shit far beyond this... he IS the "wrong people." He didn't, like, "make a mistake" - he was bankrolling and actively participating in this for over seven years. He's had his chance, he blew it... now time to go work for a casino as a greeter, or something. Stay the Hell out of the NFL. Why people have any sympathy for douchers like this or thinks he deserves any better than what he gave to those dogs is beyond me.