Saturday, July 25, 2009

I almost got fired, tonight... well...

One of my friends at work was talking about this guy that comes in, all the time... well, he used to come in a lot and bother a particular someone... then he kinda disappeared for a while, because it was made known to him that particular people don't appreciate him coming in and bothering them... anyhow, that particular person left for supposed greener pastures and such, so that old guy has been coming in, again and bothering different people with, among other things, overtly lewd sexual advances. Anyhow, there were several people around while the friend was telling the story when I came into the scene and heard what they were talking about, but I didn't know who they were talking about. One of my other friends mentioned his name, and I was like, "Oh, yeah... that cat used to come in here all the time and proposition [a particular someone] for sex..." to which someone else, who this particular someone would consider a friend, says, "I'm surprised she didn't take him up on it..." and several others (a couple of which don't even really know anything about this particular person other than having worked with them for a few weeks) laughed and a couple idiots made their own snide comments... I didn't find any of it funny... at all.


Okay, so that was a little confusing... but to sum up, an innocent story turned into shit talk about someone that matters to me, and I almost lost my cool and blasted a couple people (one in particular, anyway). I could feel my face catching on fire and my jaw clench up... I had just helped take down a complete fuckwit thief about a half hour earlier and my adrenaline was totally hopped up. I'm not sure how I contained myself, or my mouth, or anything... but I managed to walk away... this time. For whatever reason, people really can't control their shit talk, there. Do they really think that highly of themselves, or something? It's not the first time derogatory things have been said about this person in my presence since I've been back... by people that would look them in the face and be all "buddy buddy" with them. It's hard for me to respect people... and they're not making anything any easier on me... and they know it gets to me.

Go figure.