Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Sometimes I get bored, online. Not that there's nothing to do, but I just don't want to do them, so much... so, I start randomly browsing around (something that StumbleUpon is absolutely brilliant for)... and sometimes I come upon some great stuff that I'm really interested in... and other times, not so much.

I will openly admit, I am not among Britney Spears' biggest fans... not by a longshot... for any number of reasons... but I come across this random page with a picture of her and a caption underneath reading something like, "Look at that fat belly..." Here is the picture they're referring to (note the title of the picture as well):

There were a bunch of comments talking about how "bad" she looked and how "fat" she was... Okay... wait... are you serious? This is "fat?" This is "bad?" Am I supposed to look at this picture and be repulsed? I've got news for you, out there... this is not "fat." This is probably not even what most medical professionals would consider "overweight." Likewise, they were ragging on over this pic, too:

...talking about her "fat rolls" and "flabby arms." Have these people ever been out in public before and seen an actual fat person? It's a bit confusing. I mean, maybe all the people commenting are anorexic freaks, or something, but I highly doubt that. I'm willing to bet that some of the commentors are likely more than a bit "overweight," themselves.

It just kinda cracks me up, the nerve of people. They take the opportunity to jump at the first sign of perceived "imperfection" and just lambaste the hell out of them (I'm sure I don't need to point out that things like this are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg). Sure, I am as guilty as the next person of it, myself (see some of my rants on the douchebags that are Kanye West, Fred Durst, etc.), but at least I have a leg to stand on when I do...

You understand what I'm getting at, right? Yeah, she's a bit of a freak, anymore... but her problems aren't related to fluctuations in her weight, y'know? And, straight up, she doesn't look remotely "fat" in those pics. In fact, she looks pretty damned good (yes, I know there are some other, more unflattering pictures of her out there (even on that page), but the fact that they were ripping on these pics was just... fucked up). If you want to pick on someone for something so ridiculous as picking up a couple pounds, be prepared to be called an idiot... by (at least) me.

In conclusion, this:

Yeah... a little scary (and probably deserving of a little ribbing)... This: not.