Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I was sitting in a local family-owned pharmacy Tuesday with my friend Mike, waiting for a prescription... In front of us were a few spinning book racks with all the latest self-help and diet craze books... such as the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet book, herbal birth control and all that good stuff... and of course, the ever-present Merck Manual and "The Pill Book" (those of you from my neck of the woods will find that a bit amusing, I'm sure). I spin one of the rack-thingies and before my eyes comes a book... "What Would Jesus Eat?" I stood there for a second in wonder, unable to figure out if it was maybe a George Carlin book or something legitimately serious. I sat back down and considered it for a moment... What would Jesus eat? Unlike the book, that suggests that he was a vegeterian and all that, I figured if Jesus was around today, he'd probably eat a lot of fast food... I mean c'mon... he's Jesus. He's a busy man. He doesn't have much time to sit around and prepare super-healthy/holy meals... Filet o' Fish on Fridays at McDonalds and stuff, y'know? He's got a lot of people to see. I mean, there's a whole lot more people now than there was a couple thousand years ago... which means a lot more sinners to save and miracles to perform...

This also begged the questions of follow-up books/pamphlets/essays in the series...
"What Would Jesus Wear?" (a hoodie and Berkenstocks? Or a bomber jacket and Way-Farers?)
"What Would Jesus Drive?"
"What Music Would Jesus Listen To?"
and "Would Jesus Tell Al Gore to Shut Up, Already?"

Monday, August 25, 2008


Well, sending email from my phone to here worked and all... but in the end, I didn't care... I was on "vacation..." and I didn't feel like talking about it while it was happening... and now that it's over, I still don't really feel like talking about it. Don't get me wrong, it was a good vacation... it was frickin' awesome... but there is so much to talk about, it would take forever. So... maybe in a few, I'll start breaking it down and talking about it, little by little, piece by piece, picture by picture and all that... but for now, I'm still taking it all in...