Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I was sitting in a local family-owned pharmacy Tuesday with my friend Mike, waiting for a prescription... In front of us were a few spinning book racks with all the latest self-help and diet craze books... such as the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet book, herbal birth control and all that good stuff... and of course, the ever-present Merck Manual and "The Pill Book" (those of you from my neck of the woods will find that a bit amusing, I'm sure). I spin one of the rack-thingies and before my eyes comes a book... "What Would Jesus Eat?" I stood there for a second in wonder, unable to figure out if it was maybe a George Carlin book or something legitimately serious. I sat back down and considered it for a moment... What would Jesus eat? Unlike the book, that suggests that he was a vegeterian and all that, I figured if Jesus was around today, he'd probably eat a lot of fast food... I mean c'mon... he's Jesus. He's a busy man. He doesn't have much time to sit around and prepare super-healthy/holy meals... Filet o' Fish on Fridays at McDonalds and stuff, y'know? He's got a lot of people to see. I mean, there's a whole lot more people now than there was a couple thousand years ago... which means a lot more sinners to save and miracles to perform...

This also begged the questions of follow-up books/pamphlets/essays in the series...
"What Would Jesus Wear?" (a hoodie and Berkenstocks? Or a bomber jacket and Way-Farers?)
"What Would Jesus Drive?"
"What Music Would Jesus Listen To?"
and "Would Jesus Tell Al Gore to Shut Up, Already?"

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