Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin (1937 - 2008)

I used to love George Carlin when I was younger... I hadn't really gotten into what he had been doing recently, though... It seemed like he went from really funny and insightful to boring and bitter... I dunno, maybe it was just me, but his last few HBO comedy specials just didn't make me laugh hardly at all... which is sad because, as I stated, I really used to love him. I was probably six or seven when I heard a routine about "Fuckin' Jim's Cookies!" I always thought that was the funniest thing on the planet... yes, I know, six or seven year-olds probably shouldn't hear that kind of language, but my parents knew it wasn't going to warp me (too much)... and, of course, my mother still refers to me as, "my son, who cusses like a trucker," whenever she introduces me to someone...

Carlin was also the guy that probably first said something that I get constantly obsessed with... "Where's the blue food?" Yeah, since he said that, some wisenheimer thought blue raspberry would be a good idea... whatever... it's phony blue... they needed something blue and poor raspberries became the sacrifice.

Regardless of how I feel about his later humor (which honestly, I really don't feel much of anything), his humor was amazing... it took a very brave guy to do what he did and say what he said... and it's very sad to see such a legend leave...