Wednesday, April 11, 2007

So... Radio talk show host Don Imus got himself into a heap of shit referring to the Rutgers University girls' basketball team in a particularly derogatory fashion, the other day... Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and many others want him to be fired (apparently, he was first suspended from broadcasting for two weeks and subsequently dropped by MSNBC)... but what about (his producer and "co-host") Bernard McGuirk? He was saying stuff like, "...hardcore hos," and "jigaboos" and no one seems to give a rat's ass... and guest commentator (and former Imus sports announcer until he was fired for basically being a ridiculous douchebag) Sid Rosenberg was right there slingin' stuff, too... and no one's talking about any of them... just Imus. What gives? Aren't they all pretty much accountable for what they said, not just Imus? If one of them is going to get "in trouble," then they all should (yeah, Imus brought it up, but they all were chiming in with their little bits of attempted humor, so how do you put all of the heat on only one of them?)... end of discussion.