Monday, November 13, 2006

I love good dreams... I had a really good dream, yesterday... It was one of those "so real you could smell stuff" types of good dreams... It wasn't a sleazy dream (anyone that knows me very well knows that, for some reason, I never dream about sex... like, ever), but it was kinda sexy, I guess... I love the feeling when I wake up from an awesome dream... and then kinda hate the feeling when I am awake enough to realize it was just a dream... so I try to go back to sleep real quick to see if I can pick up where it left off... which has actually worked a few times. It didn't work, yesterday, but I guess it didn't really matter... what I dreamed was certainly satiating enough for me... and like I said, there was no actual "sex" involved in said dream (if there were, I probably wouldn't have felt as good about the dream when I woke up)... just a lot of "being there" and stuff... Sooooo real... Speaking of...

"Love, let me sleep tonight
On your couch...
And remember the smell
And the fabric
Of your simple city dress...

Oh... That was so real

We walked around
'til the moon got full
Like a plate...
And the wind blew an invocation
And I fell asleep
At the gate...

Oh... That was so real
Oh... That was so real..."

...always totally loved that song...

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