Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I don't enjoy being in pain... It's not a welcome thing, to me... I am not "into" it... However, after a night of absolutely exhausting work, I am very much "in" it... and to beat all, instead of having a day off to recuperate like I was planning to, I have to work... because I'm a good guy like that.

There's a guy that comes in in the mornings... he's like one of those guys that whistles... constantly... over top of music. Now, I'm not much for whistling... I tend to find it a bit annoying when people whistle over top of music that is playing... and this guy is vamping over top of Neil Diamond and Air Supply shit like an avante garde jazz saxophonist... The music at work is pretty decent - lots of classic rock (Rush, etc.), sprinkled with some modern stuff... nothing too heavy, or anything. Then, at 6am, it changes over to a bunch of schlock (can't wait for the Christmas music to start - oh, boy). Now, I'm staying super-extra late at work to make up for some people being complete slackers and dropping the ball left and right... I don't want to hear this guy whistling in the first place... and then to have him whistling loudly over top of really shitty music... totally aggravating. I seriously thought about how much I would have liked to shoot him in the face for about ten minutes.

I have to go take some aspirin... because it's all I have... and I have to lay down... because I hurt so much I can barely sit up.

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