Monday, April 03, 2006

Bonds is a Disgrace

I really dislike Barry Bonds... I've probably seen him play against the Reds four or five times and in those games I've seen him go 0 for 4 (with 3 Ks), get ejected once for arguing balls and strikes and another time on being called out at second (some people would call that "desire," or whatever - I call it "stupid")... I was personally flipped off by him after giving him a little "good-spirited ribbing" for making an error on a catch (well, it honestly could have been anyone of the half-dozen or so people that were sitting around me giving him the business) - no one was cursing at him or calling him names or anything, we were merely pointing out that his glove seemed to have developed a hole in it that he might need to look into getting repaired... anyhow, he flipped me off, and that, as a pro athlete - on the field of play - is about as classless as it gets.

Beyond the fact that he's a punk... he's also a cheat. Anyone that thinks Bonds hasn't been juicin' needs to look no further than that ever-expanding (in more way than one, I guess) cranium of his. If he was in any way a stand-up guy, he would do what Trey Parker & Matt Stone suggested in an episode of South Park and go to the league and ask that his home run record be removed from the books, because he's a cheater and a liar.

Look at a guy like Ken Griffey, Jr. - straight up, he's "The Natural" if there's ever been one - he's got one of the sweetest swings ever to grace the game... if it hadn't been for a couple pretty nasty injuries, there's no doubt he would be knocking on Hammerin' Hank Aaron's home run record... and he's a genuine nice guy, to boot. Griffey will breeze into the Hall of Fame on an unblemished record of being a credit to the sport... whereas Bonds will, no doubt, face ten times the scrutiny he's facing now in his quest to get in... he probably will (even though he's a cheater and doesn't deserve it), though...

When (and if) Bonds breaks Aaron's record, I hope everyone will realize that his new record doesn't mean shit because he broke the rules and acted like a complete dick along the way to break it.

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