Wednesday, March 01, 2006

So, the Olympics are over... Bode Miller showed that he was all talk and no walk... The U.S. men's and women's hockey teams failed to medal... Showboating snowboarders fell on their butts and made themselves look stupid... U.S. speed skaters talked trash about each other... For being the "best U.S. Olympic team ever," they sure didn't seem like it, to me.

Probably the biggest "shocker" was the Canadian men's hockey team not making the medal round... but then again, maybe it wasn't. To me, it all boiled down to Wayne Gretzky's shitty picks for the team. Well, he did pick some great players... but who couldn't pick Joe Sakic, Martin Brodeur, Joe Thornton, Adam Foote, Rob Blake, Jarome Iginla, Martin Saint-Louis, etc.? I, personally, think the huge downfall of the team was the inclusion of mediocre knucklehead and general shit-for-brains Tod Bertuzzi and the complete bullshit snubbing of Paul Kariya... plain and simple. This was Gretzky's second snubbing of Kariya in international play (the other being the 2004 World Cup of Hockey after Kariya spent a majority of the hockey season injured). Considering how well he is playing this year, I have to think that Gretzky has something personal against Kariya... Maybe his gambling shill/wife made a comment about thinking Kariya's cute, or something. Anyhow, I would trade Bertuzzi's enforcer attitude for Kariya's speed and skill any day of the week. I mean, what did Bertuzzi have the entire Olympics? Three assists? Oooooooh... awesome. Well, if I had three assists in the Olympics, I would be pretty happy, myself (because, see, I don't actually play hockey)... but compared to what Kariya would have done in his place, it's not even a discussion. The one thing that Canada needed and totally didn't have was any element of speed... St.-Louis almost was fast... like, once...

So, Wayne Gretzky, get your head out of your butt and put people that deserve to be there on your hockey team.

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