Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Okay, this might be a little morbid to some... but I hadn't ever seen my dad's gravesite since he passed away. Not for a lack of trying or wanting... I had really wanted to see it. When I left town for Colorado, he didn't have a headstone. When I came back her from Colorado, one of the first things I did was try to find his grave... I knew the general location, but alas, five or six trips and several hours searching and I couldn't find it...
So a couple weeks back, my brother came into town and after the ritual lunch at the Hamburger Inn, we went to the cemetery and lo and behold... finally...

It was kind of strange that they had listed my dad as a Spec4... he was a Spec4... in the reserves, anyway... but when he was active duty, he was a platoon sergeant... I would have thought that he would have had the higher rank showing... but anyhow...
Regardless, it took more than two years, but it was quite a relief to finally be able to see where (at least half of) his remains (anyway) are resting... finally. I used to dream about him still being alive and stuff like that - actually a bit on the stressful side... I saw his grave - and the dreams stopped (of course, I say that and I'll dream about him tonight, probably).

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