Monday, April 04, 2005

Why do people think that we (the United States) faked the moon landings? It would seem that there are still a ton of conspiracy theorists that will come out and provide all of this "evidence" that the moon landings never happened... it's almost crazy. I mean, everything from "the flag shouldn't wave in a place with no wind" (yes, it should) to the pictures of the astronauts that are highly detailed and appear to have no shadows on the space suits (which apparently, many people have never heard that light will reflect off of things like the ground)... My favorite claim, and one that the conspiracy people seem to stick to like glue, is the "all shadows from a single light source should always be parallel." The simple truth is that shadows on earth, in sunlight (a "single light source"), converge and diverge all over the place thanks to the terrain (something that can also be found on the moon, y'know?). I would wager that one could simply walk out front of their home on any sunny day and see several examples of "non-parallel" shadows.
Basically, everything that has been put forth by a conspiracy theorist regarding the moon landings has been rebuffed, simply and effectively... I personally don't know much about "space radiation" and why it doesn't kill everything that ventures through the Van Allen Belt... I'm sure it has been put to rest by someone out there, though (probably by simply saying, "The Apollo astronauts weren't in the Van Allen Belt long enough to get a dose of radiation big enough to hurt them, much less kill them.").
If it was faked, don't you think that all the Cold War countries that were listening to everything we were doing all over the world at the time would have come forward and said, "Hey, they're faking it?"
I've never really come across any younger conspiracy theorists regarding the moon landings, although I'm sure they exist. But mainly, you see all these old guys, living out in the desert in mobile homes that come up with all the hooey... It must be all that time in the "dry heat," or something.

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