Thursday, April 14, 2005

I've done a couple stupid things in the past couple days...
I was supposed to put some stuff in the washer into the dryer so it would be ready for in the morning... I sat about twenty feet from the dryer for several hours last night and it never crossed my mind. I totally forgot about it. I guess it wasn't a catastrophic event, or anything, but I still felt bad about it.
Then, tonight after I took the biscuits out of the oven, I totally forgot to turn off the oven. That can be, y'know, kinda dangerous.
I've been having headaches rather frequently (again) and nosebleeds a little more frequent than before... well, I've had nosebleeds since I got mononucleosis back in high school... and they usually pick up a little in the colder months (due to gas heating and such) - seeing as the heat hasn't been on in a little while... Maybe I have a brain tumor, or something that is making me... more stupider.

"...eet's notta toomuh..."

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