Thursday, March 17, 2005

"Nearly everyone I know claims to have heard your voice
And every time they do, I know I should rejoice
Because one day I'm sure you'll break your silence
And speak just to me
But I feel like time's running out
My heart is, my heart is filling with doubt

And god said,
'I don't dwell upon you, I dwell on something else
And I am not really here so get over yourself'

I've tried to follow every rule they said you handed down
And spread the sacred testimony all around
But still the others seem to have your ear but never will I
Have I displeased you somehow?
Can't help, can't help feeling left out

And god said,

'There's no anger in me, you must mean someone else
'Cause it's not me that you see, you're looking at yourself
And I won't give you a prize instead of someone else
'Cause I don't play favorites, so get over yourself'

Is it my fear, is it my pride, is it my vanity?
Should your name just be denied to save my sanity?
What is the price I need to pay to have
What others seem to grasp so easily?
Pity your servant your slave
Who'll kiss, who'll kiss your feet to be saved
Save me, save me

And god said,
'You are not serving me, you're serving something else
'Cause I don't need to be pleased, just get over yourself
You can't suck up to me, I know you all too well
But I don't dwell upon you, so get over yourself
'Cause you're not praying to me, you're praying to yourself
And you're not worshipping me, you're worshipping yourself
And you will kill in my name, and heaven knows what else
When you can't prove I exist so get over yourself...'"


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