Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Gang of Four on the town in Asheville, NC this past weekend.
From left: Some guy, Danielle, her man Duncan, and Mike.
note: Danielle would have you believe that it's a bit colder out that it actually is... I think it's because she's so short and doesn't have as much blood to keep her warm.
note2: That's not a restaurant sign above Mike's head... That's actually what he was thinking at the time... I don't know how the camera picked it up.

"Take my hand
Look into my eyes
Tell me what you see
Because the eyes never lie

And all that you've ever done
And everything you ever knew
And in every dream you'll ever have
I'm there with you

Tell me everything you can
'Cause I am the one who will understand
I am all of your fantasy
And after all, it's just you and me

I'm Your Secrets

And when you hurt from the weight of the world
There's nothing I wouldn't do
And on the day you leave the world
I go with you

Tell me again about endless love
The talk with the sun and the moon and stars
What do you think about God and man
Tell me the thing no one would understand

'Cause I'm Your Secrets

You ask is love a lie
And is the world insane
Why do we cry
And is this life really just a dream

Tell me everything you can
I am the one who will understand you
I am all that you wish to be
It's always been just you and me

'Cause I'm Your Secrets..."

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

It took a long time, but I came to realize that "sacrifice" isn't something I do... it's something I am.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

How to confuse your party guests.

This is really cool... I wanted to do this years ago... but I got over it, I guess


Thursday, March 17, 2005

"They say I don't think enough about the afterlife
Of what's below and above, it's all in black and white
They say there's only one kind of love
You have to choose just right
They say there's only one kind of love in the afterlife

Kiss it all goodbye
In the afterlife
You don't get another try

But I can't see... I don't know how
That I won't be what I am now, no
Even in my afterlife
And I won't have some other heart
That could find peace though we're apart...

It's not enough anymore to be good in this life
They say you've got to be sure so you can sleep at night
The only love that endures gives up without a fight
The only love that endures in the afterlife

Kiss it all goodbye
In the afterlife
It was just a clever lie

If I could never see your face
Then I would have to fall from grace, I know
Even in my afterlife
Or for eternity be blind to your presence in my mind?

And they could promise me a seat
At the right side of the throne
But all would still be incomplete
Within the holy host, alone
Without the guiding light so sweet
That has forever led me on
For me there's no eternal rest
You and I have unfinished business...

If I could still hold one thought clear
Then you will instantly appear, I know
Even in my afterlife
But I can't see... I don't know how
That I won't be what I am now, no
Not even in my afterlife
And I won't have some other heart
That could find peace though we're apart, no
Even in my afterlife
I could not repose in bliss
Never more to know your kiss, no
Even in my afterlife..."

"Nearly everyone I know claims to have heard your voice
And every time they do, I know I should rejoice
Because one day I'm sure you'll break your silence
And speak just to me
But I feel like time's running out
My heart is, my heart is filling with doubt

And god said,
'I don't dwell upon you, I dwell on something else
And I am not really here so get over yourself'

I've tried to follow every rule they said you handed down
And spread the sacred testimony all around
But still the others seem to have your ear but never will I
Have I displeased you somehow?
Can't help, can't help feeling left out

And god said,

'There's no anger in me, you must mean someone else
'Cause it's not me that you see, you're looking at yourself
And I won't give you a prize instead of someone else
'Cause I don't play favorites, so get over yourself'

Is it my fear, is it my pride, is it my vanity?
Should your name just be denied to save my sanity?
What is the price I need to pay to have
What others seem to grasp so easily?
Pity your servant your slave
Who'll kiss, who'll kiss your feet to be saved
Save me, save me

And god said,
'You are not serving me, you're serving something else
'Cause I don't need to be pleased, just get over yourself
You can't suck up to me, I know you all too well
But I don't dwell upon you, so get over yourself
'Cause you're not praying to me, you're praying to yourself
And you're not worshipping me, you're worshipping yourself
And you will kill in my name, and heaven knows what else
When you can't prove I exist so get over yourself...'"

I don't even really know what to say about it (imagine me, speechless?), so I'll just let it speak for itself...


Okay... shouldn't it be penii... maybe?
Anyhow, interesting stuff.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Monday, March 07, 2005

(from the comments)

why speed safe? doesn't that seem to be sortof strange with respect to a knife?

Well... yeah... I always thought it was a rather silly name, too... especially after one time, I was cutting the tie-wraps off a light rig on a stage and a flipped open the knife, my other hand in "blade proximity" and the tip of the knife whipped out and sliced the crap out of me... that was an instance of "speed unsafe."

Thursday, March 03, 2005

By request - My Kershaws...
From left:
Model 1600 - "Chive" (420HC stainless) - $49.95
Model 1660VIB - "Rainbow Leek" (440A Stainless, titanium oxide coated) - $99.95
Model 1660 - "Leek" (440A Stainless) - $69.95
Model 1550 - "Blackout" (440A Stainless Tungsten DLC coated, Polyamide handle) - $89.95
Model 1640 - "Vapor" (AUS6A Stainless) - $35.95

All models (except the Vapor) are made in the USA. They all (except the Vapor, again) also feature Kershaw's "Speed Safe" assisted-opening feature... that is, there is a "torsion bar" (apparently, a fancy name for a spring) in the axle of the blade that flips the blade open... Don't mistake them for a "switchblade," though. To be a switchblade, the knife has to have... well, a "switch" to activate it... On these, the person has to physically start the blade in motion and the spring kicks in and finishes the job.

The Blackout was my first Kershaw. It's been used pretty well over the past few years. The Chive is really cool, because it's so small...