Sunday, February 27, 2005

My Kershaw/Ken Onion USA "Rainbow" Leek.
I had this ordered a long time ago, when I still lived in Colorado. I just got it in the mail the other day. They only make a few of them per month, apparently. It is coated with titanium oxide which, when electric current of various intesities is applied to different locations, produces the "rainbow" effect. It's not a knife that I will be cutting anything with, anytime soon... In fact, it will most likely stay in it's cool little pouch, unless called upon in order to attempt to impress friends.

I've always had a thing for nice knives... ever since I was a wee laddie, sitting in the backyard of my grandfather's house, playing this strange-yet-cool game with him... where you have to sort of balance the knife off of various body parts (fingers, forearm, elbow, shoulder, chin, nose, etc.) and get it to fall off your body and stick in the ground. We played mubletypeg, too, but that was usually with a butter knife.

My dad gave me a cool Case bone-handled knife when I was about eight. I inevitably cut the shit out of myself with it, once (as I have done with basically all of my knives over time). In the years since, I have had Buck, Schrade, Gerber... all kinds of nice knives... But I really am fond of Kershaw kinves... I have a total of five of them. They rule. Better than Spyderco & Benchmade, in my opinion (no offense to those companies - I just don't find them to be very balanced blades).

I don't know what happened to my dad's cool Victorinox he carried on his keychain for eleventy-billion years (or twenty-some, anyway). I would have really liked to have had it... The main blade was beginning to curve inward from Dad's meticulous sharpening over the years. I think I may have returned it to my brother after my dad passed away... because he bought it for him, and I'm sentimental like that, I guess. My friend Mike said he had originally bought me a Victorinox for Christmas this year, but gave it to his little cousin instead and bought me a couple DVDs. I'm certain that if I sharpen the edges of the DVDs with my stone, they'll cut stuff...

I have my grandfather's old pocket knife... it isn't "nice," or anything... but it was his... so it's awesome.

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