Sunday, January 02, 2005

Dear *****,

I really like you. You are always nice to me.
You have the prettiest eyes. I like them a lot.
I am kinda sad when you are not around. I don't understand it. Maybe I am just kinda sad always and you are just not around to cheer me up. Or maybe I am just kinda sad because I miss you not being around. It's okay though, sorta, because I always try to keep you with me, even if you can't be.
My big brother says girls are mean and will do nothing but tear your heart out of your chest and stomp it to mush as if it were worthless, leaving only a huge gaping wound of despair. I sure hope he is wrong. He's wrong about a lot of stuff.
I was kinda hoping that maybe you might want to be my girlfriend, cuz I sure would like to be your boyfriend.
What do you think?

____ Yes ____ No

If yes, then maybe we can meet at the picnic tables by the rocket slide at the park after school... I really would like to hold your hand. I bet it is soft.
If no, that's okay. You'll still be pretty to me and I will still like you. And I will still be your partner for science class, too, cuz I know you don't like to touch the dead smelly fish we are learning about.

See you after lunch,

p.s. - don't show this note to anyone or tell any of your friends about it, cuz I don't want them to make fun of me.
p.p.s. - you are very pretty

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