Saturday, January 24, 2004

For some reason, I have recently become hooked on Canada Dry Ginger Ale, and for the life of me I can't figure out why. It basically tastes nothing like ginger ale (it sort of smells like it, though), but just tastes more like 7up (in fact, I think 7up owns Canada Dry, now?)... but every time I go to the store, I grab a $2.00 twelve-pack and go home and proceed to drink it up in a few days... I haven't been drinking a lot of caffeine, recently... I wonder if I've just subsituted the taste of Canada Dry for my cravings for caffeine?
Oh, well... it could be worse... I could be smoking, again.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

If Von Dutch were still alive, I doubt his relatives still would be...

I was flipping the channels the other day, and came across comedian Tracy Morgan on the Ellen DeGeneres Show... He was wearing a Von Dutch "trucker hat" (that reprtedly goes for about 50 bucks in stores, for about two bucks worth of materials)... My thought was does Tracy morgan have a clue who Von Dutch was? Well, for those of you who don't know, Von Dutch was a guy who custom-painted cars back in the '50s... he was also one of the featured artists in CarToons magazine for many years, a magazine that I always dug growing up... Von Dutch was also a raging alcoholic, psychotic racist... He "was not fond of" black people and wasn't afraid to let other people know it, either... He died several years ago, and his family licensed out his name to a line of clothing worn by a bunch of celebrities that can afford to wear the stuff (140 bucks for a pair of jeans is just fucking stupid)... But the whole raging racist thing led me to believe that Tracy pretty much didn't have a clue whose name he had on the hat he was wearing... which just made me sigh and think that he's stupid...
Dutch was also known to have a gun with him wherever he went... If he were still alive, I have a feeling he would use it to shoot everyone in his money-grubbing family...

Thursday, January 08, 2004

I is an Uncle...

Say hello to my niece...


...and the proud papa...

So, now you may all refer to me officially as "Uncle Fucka..."
I thought THIS had to be a joke... but apparently, it's not... it seems that some people in New York want to give pit bull terriers a "makeover" of sorts by giving the breed a new name... New Yorkies... possibly the dumbest idea/name in the known universe... So, for some reason, people thin that changing a breed's name will make others forget about the breed's particular viciousness and such... hmmm...
It really doesn't matter what you call them, they'll still rip your face off in a pinch...


Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Holy jeez, is it cold out... -15 degrees F, currently... about -35 degrees F in the mountains across the way... Too cold to do much but stay inside. Now, the 8 inches of snow we got a few days ago is all dried out and makes that horrid squeaky sound when you walk on it... drives me crazy. One of the worst sounds/feels on the planet.