Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The world is strange... I mean, it's not like I'm just now figuring this out... but it's just strange... People are strange... again, nothing new. I never know what to make of them, sometimes.

I have a lot of faith in the thought that whoever gave humans the ability to communicate in the way that they do did so for a reason... so that we would use it to help make ourselves better... So much of the "communication" I see about the world (and the people in it) is so... unappealling... I can't imagine if I were an alien, intercepting television satellite transmissions, that I would ever want to come here, to invade or just to visit... I'd be off to the next terrestrial body...

Of course, I'm not just taking about communicating through media... that's just the seriously shitty kind... Communication between people, two people - that can be some of the trickiest stuff in the world... I always thought I was good at it... I'm really not so sure...

People puzzle me...

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