Monday, March 01, 2004

Hail to the Redskins?

Anyone that knows me knows that I have lived and died with the Washington Redskins since I was in 2nd grade. Sure, there's always been that little part of me that roots for the Cincinnati Bengals to succeed, but I'm a Redskin fan to the core.
I guess one guy I'm not a great big fan of is Redskin owner Daniel Snyder. For some reason, he thinks he has knowledge of football, when actually, he only has shitloads of money and practically no football sense, whatsoever. I think I just long for the days of (former owner) Jack Kent Cooke.
The last few years have been rocky ones for the Redskins. They've gone through several head coaches (with only recent firee Steve Spurrier really to blame for his own demise), brought in great players, and have received nothing but misery as a reward.

Marty Schottenheimer - I can remember thinking, "Killer coach. Things are looking up." eeeennnnnnnhhhh! Wrongo...
Then enter Steve Spurrier - I thought, "Sweet! He'll get the 'Skins on track." eeennnnnnnhhhh! Wrong again, Chucko...
Then, they finally get it right by bringing back one of the best coaches in the game - three time Super Bowl winner Joe Gibbs. When I heard that right after New Year's, I nearly fainted. I think Daniel Snyder has finally realized that he knows nothing about professional football and he needs to leave it to the people that do. Good move, Daniel.

In recent days, they've gone and acquired some skill players to help them get back to what they do best.
QB Mark Brunell - good choice, but not who I think I would have gone after. Yeah, he's got years of experience, but that's probably going to be his downfall - he's getting old. I would have went straight for Tampa Bay backup/free agent Sean King. King has a great arm, a great record as a starter, considerable experience, and maybe most importantly, several years of viability in the NFL... Brunell will do good for the 'Skins, provided he can stay healthy, but King would have been a wicked choice to head up a team heading in a new (or old, depending on how you look at it) direction. He should have been starting for the Bucs the last three years, but they think people like Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson are better (which they aren't).
Enter Clinton Portis. Portis comes from the Broncos, signs the biggest contract in history (or at least will tomorrow night at midnight), and brings high hopes to a much maligned offense. Even though I am now a Coloradoan, I can't say that I like the Broncos, at all... In fact, the only sports team around here that I give the time of day to is the (NHL) Avalanche. Anyhow, the 'Skins give up totally wicked defensive back Champ Bailey to get Portis. I hate to see Bailey go, but I'm glad to see a running back the ability of Portis come into the mix.
See, whether Daniel Snyder wants to believe it or not, the Redskins are, and always have been, a running football team... If you go back to what got them three Super Bowl titles, it was (besides Doug Williams' cannon of an arm) the run... You need look no further than uberhaus John Riggins. True, Portis and Riggins are nothing alike, in stature or otherwise, but Joe Gibbs knows what the hell he's doing. Just like the old days, it's gonna be run, run, run... short pass to the tight end... run, run, run some more. That's how Gibbs got them three Super Bowl rings, and I imagine it's how he plans on getting them a couple more.

So, with the addition of Gibbs alone, the Redskins have gone from underachieving also-rans to immediate contenders in the NFC. Add Mark Brunell and Clinton Portis (and I imagine they're not through, yet) to the mixture, and you have a force to be reckoned with, without having taken a single snap.
It would be nice to see them add someone like Javon Kearse to compliment LaVar Arrington's immense linebacker talent. But, maybe I should just be happy that they have who they have and pray for a healthy season.

Damn... it's only March... I have to deal with baseball season, still... DAMN!!!
Oh, well... Until September, GO REDS!

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