Thursday, December 25, 2003

Okay... I'm totally confused... I am trying to figure out the correct order of the Hellraiser series: This is the best I can come up with -

Hellbound: Hellraiser II
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth
Hellraiser (IV): Bloodline
Hellraiser (V): Inferno
Hellraiser VI: Hellseeker

Is that right? I know there's a Hellraiser VII: Deader and a Hellraiser VIII: Hellworld but haven't heard much about 'em other than Kari Wurher is in VII and Lance Henrikson is in VIII.
Of course, I am only really a huge fan of the first two. After Clive Barker left the series, they kinda went in a strange direction...
III was just a slasher flick to me...
IV was kinda cool, in that it explored the history (and future) of the creator of the puzzle box's "bloodline."
V was a very good story, but it didn't strike me as a Hellraiser story... Well, in all honesty, it was pretty cool in that it was a look at all the sufferring of one of the box solvers... I liked it, but I had trouble seeing it as a "Hellraiser movie."
VI was actually probably the best Hellraiser since the first two, honestly... It features the return of "Kirsty" (Ashley Laurence) from the first two movies, and has a pretty cool "mystery-thing" going on. It definitely floated my boat, as far as my "Hellraiser Jones" goes... I'm wondering if I can find the next two on DVD, anywhere (as I understand, they were shot back to back in Romania, and VIII was supposed to have been released in early October - I don't think there's been a theatrical Hellraiser release since IV)...
If anyone knows anything else about the latest two, let me know in my comments section, maybe? Thanks...

Saturday, December 20, 2003

When I read the script for The Big Lebowski, I saw the part of Walter and I thought, "That part has Steve Buscemi written all over it." I could picture it so well in my mind... When I actually sat down and watched it, I saw his name on the DVD box and thought, "Hey! Whadya know!" Then I looked at the box a little close and saw John Goodman with a gun and then thought, "Oh, so John Goodman is gonna be Walter... so does that mean that Steve Buscemi is Donny?" Sure enough... I really wish that Steve Buscemi had been Walter and they would have gotten someone else to be Donny (because Donny's role was rather small, and I'm a pretty big Buscemi fan). As it turns out, Goodman was really good in the role... so I didn't feel that bad.
The only clip I had previously seen from the movie was when they go to spread Donny's ashes at the ocean (and instead, pretty much spread them all over the Dude)... a great scene... we talked about that at my dad's wake. I still have a big chunk of my dad's ashes. I often wonder if I should go up to Long's Peak (the local "fourteener") and let some of 'em fly. Eh. Maybe... I mean, he already resides in some plants at the Riviera in Vegas, amongst the sand in Windy Hill, South Carolina, with a tree that he, my brother and I planted on Mother's Day out front of the house in 1976, and in upstate New York... I may just hold on to what I have.

Monday, December 15, 2003

Enough, Already...

Okay, we found Saddam Hussein... He looked like shit... He's a bad man who deluded himself into thinking that what he was doing to his people was okay... He got caught in a hole under a building (you'd be scared, too, I bet)... I'm already tired of hearing about it on every channel, already... If all goes properly, he will have to answer for his actions. Let me know when that happens, and until then, mellow out on the "every story has to do with Saddam" thing on the news, already...

Saturday, December 06, 2003

I have realized something over the last few weeks... I do not enjoy Salvador Dali's art, at all... If his symbolism meant anything remotely cognitive, maybe I would enjoy it (somewhat), but as it stands, it's just shit... Well, there is one piece I've always liked (Meditative Rose)... His realism was awesome, but he just got all twisted and fucked up on smack that he made no sense... like I said, it's just shit...