Friday, November 28, 2003

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually agreed with something the Rev. Jerry Falwell had to say on TV, this evening... but not for the same reasons...
The topic on Scarborough Country tonight was "PC Police Bans Christmas." There were these wackjobs on there spouting off about how Christmas was offensive to non-Christians and stuff... It was pretty insane. But what Jerry Falwell said was something to the effect of, "These people say that it's okay to sing Christmas carols as long as they don't mention Christ, which is a load of hooey..." (note:those for sure weren't his exact words) Now his reasoning for it being hooey was because this country is a country "under God" and all that... which I don't really care about... My reasoning behind the "hooey" was because politically correct people need to be slapped around a little because they are ridiculous... and becoming more ridiculous all the time. The whole idea that Christmas offends muslims or atheists and stuff like that... it's just silly. I can't even argue with people like that, because they're so ignorant.
So, if you're offended by Christmas, go to Iraq... or wherever. If I want to sing a Christmas carol, any Christmas carol I want, I'm gonna sing it, not because I am some kind of devout Christian (because I'm really not), but because I want to and I don't care what some politically correct jackass says...

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