Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Reality TV is SO Strange

I hate to admit this... even to myself... Recently, I have found myself watching Elimidate and The Fifth Wheel. Not because I think the shows are any good... No no... quite the contrary. They are the two biggest piles of garbage on TV... On Elimidate, basically all that goes on is a bunch of catfights and name calling crap between really stank ho girlies fighting for the opportunity to be with a complete loser waste of space... and on The Fifth Wheel, it's usually guys trying to get girls to make out with each other (which they will do a lot of times) and trying to impress girls by showing their weenies to them... and then, on both shows, when things don't work out for the people, they are always given the opportunity to talk more shit about the people whose ass they were just kissing... totally lame... lame beyond lame...
I guess I watch it because I really can't wait to see how totally ridiculous these people are going to act in an effort to impress some skank (male or female, mind you)... and I am always disgusted after I watch them... which I expect to be... if I wasn't, I would have to question my sense of ... good taste & morality... or somethin'...

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