Monday, September 15, 2003

John Ritter

Yeah, Johnny Cash died, too... but y'know, I hate to be all shitty, but I didn't really care a whole heck of a lot for Mr. Cash. I mean, he beat the Hell out of his wife at one point and acted like an asshole to a lot of people in his life...
John Ritter on the other hand...
I remember watching the very first Three's Company when I was probably seven or eight... and I watched nearly every other one afterwards until it ended. It was one of the funnier things to ever grace the television screen at the time. I have recently rediscovered them on Nick at Nite, probably about a year ago, and I forgot just how funny it was (and how much I knew about life and sex and stuff when I was eight). "8 Simple Rules..." was probably the best sitcom on television, currently, and I watched it every chance I got. John Ritter made me laugh... a lot... I love to laugh. I will miss watching him in the future, but I am thankful to have had the opportunity to watch such a genuinely happy guy work so hard at something he loved so much...

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