Saturday, September 27, 2003

I went to see Underworld, tonight. I was preparing for it to suck (as most "vampire movies" over the last couple decades have)... Much to my relief (and the relief of my $7.50... not to mention the $13.50 for popcorn, chocolate thingamajigs and a vat of root beer), the movie was actually pretty cool... a surprisingly decent storyline... a couple cool effects, good cinematography, cool "low color" (it was nearly black & white)...
I'm sure that all the flakes that think that they actually are vampires/lycanthropes (I think I recognized a couple of them coming out of the theater after me) that sit around and play Vampire: the Masquerade and think it's real will find all kinds of stuff to criticize the movie about (they seem to live and die with the actually-pretty-crappy Interview With the Vampire)... but y'know, they're flakes...
So, I had a pretty good time, tonight. Good times are... always good.

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