Friday, April 11, 2003


I was sitting here this afternoon, and I had a GREAT idea for something to talk about on here... something that I remember was gonna be so cool, and a lot of people would really get a kick out of reading it... so I tried to get online, but I couldn't (they are moving modems around to alleviate some crowding)... so I laid down and fell asleep... and forgot what was so cool that I wanted to write about...
Oh, well... Roasted Garlic Triscuits are fucking awesome...
(yeah, not nearly as cool as whatever I was thinking... damnit)

Saturday, April 05, 2003

Am I Paranoid?

Does anthrax smell like car exhaust? If so, I think my neighbor might be an Al Qaeda operative...
Really Strange...

I'm watching this whole "Siege on Baghdad" thing happening... and the newscasters cut away to one of those cameras mounted in the city... and you can hear big guns firing... then some machine guns... and you can see, like, cars driving around, stopping at red lights and weird shit like that... Now, I seriously hope they're not headed to the deli for some goat on a stick... I mean, hopefully, if people have any sense, they're getting the hell out of there, y'know?

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Too Cool, Yet So Sad...

I just saw (with the rest of the world) the video footage of Army PFC Jessica Lynch (from about an hour away from here, in Palestine, West Virginia) being rescued from an Iraqi hospital by a task force consisting of Army, Navy, AirForce, and Marines... Very cool. Very, very cool... Kudos to the Iraqi guy that tipped the military to her whereabouts (and even told them what room in the hospital she was in and everything)...
Jessica Lynch, in a 2000 family photograph... PFC Jessica Lynch inside the Army helicopter just moments after her rescue...
BEFORE AND "AFTER": Jessica Lynch (at left) in a family photo from 2000 and (at right) moments after being rescued by American troops in Iraq.

She looks so scared (and who the hell could possibly blame her?)... yet, I can guess she is probably also very relieved... I can also venture to guess her family is incredibly happy, as well... I honestly was afraid that we were never going to see or hear from her, again... I think the whole country breathed a big ol' sigh when the reports came out that she was not only alive but out of Iraqi hands... All she wanted was to go to college to become a teacher... She couldn't get a decent job anywhere, so she joined the Army to get the Montgomery G.I. Bill to have money to afford college... and this is what she got for it... shot (I hear she was shot, I hear she wasn't shot... but c'mon... the good money is she most likely got shot a couple times)... legs broken... broken arm... according to someone inside the hospital, she was being tortured, as well... no food for eight days... I sure as shit hope she'll become a teacher, now...

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

More "Hmmm"

If we get all bent out of whack because Iraqis show American and/or British POWs on Iraqi TV (because it violates certain terms of the Geneva Convention), why are we showing Iraqi POW's faces on American TV? No, we don't do it all the time, and sometimes, it shows pictures of Iraqi soldiers in the act of surrendering (not technically POWs at that point, I suppose would be the media's rationale), but I just saw a video of an army guy interviewing a captured Iraqi soldier, getting information from him and stuff... they were both all smiley and happy and everything, but still... what's the dilly-o?

Okay... this is freakin' awesome...


I'm not real good at making it all work, yet... but I'm learning... and soon enough... I will be making cool little creepy crawlies... Go there, load up the constructor, and check out the saved "creatures." Too cool... :)