Friday, February 28, 2003

Some So-so Pics

I had the resolution messed up, so these aren't really all that good, but they show some nastiness, still:

a view from the top of my hill at my birch tree in the front yard... it's MUCH taller than the pine tree in the background - NOTE: That is NOT snow... that's ICE... pure, solid as shit ice

the same (poor) tree from down the hill looking up... note: there's a car in there, somewhere.

It's really hard to make out, but there's a HUGE limb piercing the carport as well as a piece of the roof, there...

a HUGE tree that fell in my neighbor's yard

post-chainsaw... that's a HUGE BITCH of a tree, eh? (it's still like that... NO CLUE how they're going to get rid of it, either - I'm thinking either, like, a helicopter, or dynamite)

my next-door neighbor's (used to be a) Dogwood tree

my birch tree, post-thaw... NOTE: those branches you see buckled are bigger around than your legs, and they were snapped like little twigs

Another HUGE BITCH of a tree... in my back yard... about 85 feet tall... that I was thoroughly convinced was going to come crashing through my bedroom at any given moment... you should have seen the size of some of the limbs that came off of it... that could easily kill a human... even a great big strong one... jinkees...

a completely shredded tree across the street from my house

a view from my next door neighbor's of a totally slaughtered tree in my backyard

my backyard... trust me... there is a backyard in there somewhere amongst the treelimbs...

Like I said... so-so... but you get the idea... uh... don't you?

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