Friday, January 03, 2003

Well, Happy New Year and all that good stuff. I hope everyone had a good holiday season... I never realy "look forward" to it anymore, it seems (well shit, I don't get toys anymore, and that sucks), but as soon as it's gone, I miss it. I think it's the kid in me. I always, always had a blast during Christmas as a kid. For as far back as I can remember, it alternated every year between my house and my aunt & uncle's house. There was only me and my brother on my side, but my aunt & uncle had six kids, and by the '80s, a lot of them had kids running around, too. Count all the friends and other cousins and cousin's friends and all that and there was just an absolute shitload of people running around (including the highlight of the festivities, when my dad's mom and dad would show up and be treated like the matriarch and patriarch they were)... and I loved it - and on more than a couple occasions, the big guy himself, one Mr. K. Kringle, would pay a visit to the shindig, and the thousands of us would all crowd together for a picture with Santa... on Christmas...
I miss it all, now... but it was something else to be able to have experienced it in the first place. Here's to next December, when I can think about it all over, again...

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